A parents’ guide to Bedford Film Festival
Election fever is hotting up at Bedford Film Festival, with the votes coming in thick and fast for Bedford’s choice of family film at Bedfringe.
If you’ve already voted, then you’ll know all about the film you’ve chosen and if it’s suitable for your children. However, while the BBFC rate films for legal reasons, and do so following strict guidelines, children are individuals and what might be suitable for one is not always suitable for another. As parents you’ll know your children better than anyone , so how can you be sure a film is suitable if you’ve not seen it before?
There’s an excellent website called ‘Kids-In-Mind‘ that helps to solve just that.
We’ve used this for family screenings we’ve hosted in the past, and also when deciding on what films to show our own children. It’s especially good for young teens who are arguing “I HAVE to see a film because ALL my friends have seen it and it’s SO unfair that you won’t let me watch it”… you get the idea.
The honest and sensible descriptions of films from ‘Kids-In-Mind‘ have always helped us make a fully informed decision about what to watch.
The database they have is extensive, but only seems to go back into the mid 90s, so we sadly can’t tell you what they thought of all the films in our film ‘election’, but we have posted links to the ones they have reviewed, so you can see an example of the reviews ‘Kids-In-Mind‘ offer.
We’re sure you’ll agree they’re a great way of helping decide if your child will enjoy a film or not, of if it is indeed suitable for them at all.

The Incredibles