BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Bedford Film Festival - ECPv3.11.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Bedford Film Festival X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Bedford Film Festival BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150909T183000Z DTEND:20151031T210000Z DTSTAMP:20151005T223925Z CREATED:20150915T154323Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150930T140833Z SUMMARY:BAFTA Behind the Mask – A Curated Selection by Andy Gotts DESCRIPTION:‘BAFTA Behind the Mask – A Curated Selection’\nA census of BAFTA winners and nominees.\n\nAndy Gotts MBE is most noted for his black and white portraits of Hollywood actors and singers and since 1990 his work has been published internationally and has appeared in many magazines as well as weekend newspaper supplements and advertising campaigns.\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\nThe National Portrait Gallery holds a selection of his photographs in their permanent collection and he holds a string of prestigious awards such as the Fox Talbot Award\, and the degree Doctor of Arts from De Montfort University. He is a former President of the British Institute of Professional Photographers and was appointed as an MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List 2012.\n\nGotts is noted for his magnum opus 'Degrees'\, a coffee table book and exhibitions inspired by the game\, the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. As well as BAFTA – ‘Behind The Mask’\, his other projects for 2015 include the Monty Python reunion and ‘iCons’ for the Elton John AIDS Foundation; as well as a special project for Vivienne Westwood and her SAVE THE ARCTIC campaign.\n\nThis unprecedented opportunity to see Andy's work is not to be missed.\n\nThis is a joint event organised by:\n\n\n URL: LOCATION:26 St. Peter's Street\, Bedford\, Bedfordshire\, MK40 2PN\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:BAFTA,Full Programme ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Bedford%20Film%20Festival" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150911T173000Z DTEND:20151014T170000Z DTSTAMP:20151005T223925Z CREATED:20150824T143015Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150930T140500Z SUMMARY:BAFTA Behind the Mask - A Curated Selection by Andy Gotts DESCRIPTION: URL: LOCATION:26 St. Peter's Street\, Bedford\, Bedfordshire\, MK40 2PN\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:BAFTA,Collaboration Events,Full Programme ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Bedford%20Film%20Festival" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151007T183000Z DTEND:20151007T220000Z DTSTAMP:20151005T223925Z CREATED:20150820T172052Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150831T232402Z SUMMARY:Cocktail (Screening 2) **SOLD OUT** DESCRIPTION:Due to overwhelming demand\, we're proud to present\, in conjunction with Lost and Found\, a second screening of..\n\nCocktail\n"The luck is gone\, the brain is shot\, but the liquor we still got." Cocktail defined the 80's desire for fame\, fortune and fun and created a cult following that still has impact on younger coming-of-age generations\, as they follow in the footsteps of Brian and Doug without even realising it. Of course Lost and Found is the perfect venue for this screening\, so come and join us for intimate cocktails and dreams and learn Coughlin's laws from the man himself.\nTicket price includes a Couglin and Flanagan inspired cocktail on arrival made fresh by\nLost and Found's very own Tom 'Cruise' Faden.\nDoors at 19:30\, film to start no later than 20:30\n\n\nTom Cruise juggles Martini shakers and ice cubes as the materialistic Brian Flanagan\, a bartender who drops out of school to search for the perfect "rich chick" who will bankroll him into luxury. Brian meets up with bar veteran Doug Couglin (Bryan Brown) and they put together a dance-duo bar-tending act\, taking five minutes to a mix a drink as they dance and toss gin bottles behind the bar to cutting-edge rock music circa 1988. The patrons\, instead of demanding the booze\, are dazzled by their antics and cheer them on. As a result of their bar-tending success\, they get hired to tend bar at a swanky disco\, but there Brian and Doug have a falling out\, and Brian takes off for Jamaica. There he meets vacationing New York City waitress Jordan Mooney (Elisabeth Shue) and the two fall in love. But then Brian meets rich New York fashion executive Bonnie (Lisa Banes) who wants to take Brian back to Manhattan with her to become her drink-mixing stud. When Jordan sees this\, the love affair is put on hold. But not for long\, as pangs of consciousness begin to filter through Brian's drunken haze.\nDirector: Roger Donaldson\nCast: Tom Cruise\, Bryan Brown\, Elisabeth Shue\nGenre: Comedy\, Drama\, Romance Country: US Language: English Year: 1988\nDuration: 85 mins Rating: 15 iMDb Score: 5.8/10\n URL: LOCATION:4 Lime Street\, \, Bedford\, Bedfordshire\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Feature Films,Fringe Screenings,Full Programme ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Bedford%20Film%20Festival" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151013T080000Z DTEND:20151014T150000Z DTSTAMP:20151005T223925Z CREATED:20150930T132643Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150930T134802Z SUMMARY:Film Industry Workshop DESCRIPTION:Bedford Film Festival is committed to inspiring the film makers of tomorrow and promoting the variety of careers within the film industry.\nOur 2015 festival features a unique opportunity for anyone interested in a career in the film industry to hear from leading experts over a\ntwo-day film industry workshop at Bedford College.\n13-14 October - Each day will start at 10:00 and finish at 15:30\n\n\t\nFull two day workshop for students: £15\n\n\t\nIndividual workshops for students: £5\nPlease note\, only students at educational establishments are eligible for the full two-day workshop\, however anyone with an interest in film can attend individual workshops.\n\n[maxbutton id="7" url=""]\n\n\n \n\nWe work hard to develop workshops as part of our annual event\, that match the curriculum of BTEC and A-Level students. All of our workshops are hosted by world-class industry experts and cover all skills associated with film\, such as:\n\n\tDirection\n\tEditing\n\tLighting\n\tSound\n\tDigital Effects\n\tGraphic Design\n\tProduction\n\tScriptwriting\n\tDocumentary filming\n\tMake-Up\n\tMarketing\n\nOur workshops have been given a evolutionary boost for our 2015 festival and will take place over two days:\n13-14 October - Each day will start at 10:00 and finish at 15:30\n [maxbutton id="7" url=""]\n\n\n[maxbutton id="7" url=""]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[maxbutton id="7" url=""]\n\nOur workshops would not be possible without the dedication and support of our Education Partners\n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \nShorts Session\nOur goal to inspire future filmmakers does not end with our workshops. We also invite filmmakers to submit their films for screening during the festival. This means we not only give those filmmakers a chance to get their film on the big screen\, but we can show filmmaking talent\, still learning\, what is possible\, even with a small budget.\n\n\n\n \n\nIt is free to submit a film for our 'short session' and is attended by the films' cast and crew so that they can chat with other audience members\, network\, and also give advice to younger filmmakers. You can view the list of films submitted to our 2015 shorts session at the shorts session pages. URL: LOCATION:Southbank Arts Centre\, Cauldwell St\, Bedford\, Bedfordshire\, MK42 9AH\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Workshops ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Bedford%20Film%20Festival" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151017T183000Z DTEND:20151017T183000Z DTSTAMP:20151005T223925Z CREATED:20150826T203851Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150828T220722Z SUMMARY:Amy **SOLD OUT** DESCRIPTION:The Pad Nightclub and Bedford Film Festival are proud to present a special festival encore screening of...\nAMY\nThe story of Amy Winehouse in her own words\, featuring unseen archival footage and unheard tracks.\n\n\n"As riveting as it is sad\, Amy is a powerfully honest look at the twisted relationship between art and celebrity—and the lethal spiral of addiction." - Rotten Tomatoes\n\n\nDespite just two albums to her name Amy Winehouse is one of the biggest music icons in British history. With a voice oft described as a combination of Billy Holiday\, Dinah Washington and Sarah Vaughan\, Amy Winehouse was a pop star with soul; a once in two generational musical talent whose appeal crossed cultural and demographic boundaries. But while her music made her a star\, her chaotic personal life stole headlines.\n\nWith live music\, Amy - the film\, and an Amy Winehouse inspired\nDJ set\, The Pad Presents and Bedford Film Festival\nhope you'll join us for this tribute to a legend.\nDirector: Asif Kapadia\nGenre: Documentary\, Biography\, Music Country: UK Language: English Year: 2015\nDuration: 128 mins Rating: 15 iMDb Score: 8/10\n URL: LOCATION:2 Lurke Street\, Bedford\, Bedfordshire\, MK40 3HY\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Collaboration Events,Documentaries,Fringe Screenings ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Bedford%20Film%20Festival" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151021T180000Z DTEND:20151021T210000Z DTSTAMP:20151005T223925Z CREATED:20150821T151756Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150901T115807Z SUMMARY:Back to The Future Day DESCRIPTION:Bedford Film Festival\, in association with Quarry Theatre at St. Luke's and The Pad Presents\, and supported by Advancing Property and Advancing People\, present...\nBack To The Future Day\nSponsored by:\n \n \n\nTo purchase tickets for the whole Back to Future Day event* (priced £19.50 Adult /£15 concessions)\, click this button:\n[maxbutton id="3" url=""]\nTo purchase tickets for Back to Future film only (priced Adult £12 /£9 concessions)\, click this\nbutton:\n[maxbutton id="3" url=""]\nTo purchase tickets for Paul Kerensa's\, Back to the Futon Pt 2* only (priced £10 Adult/£8 concessions) click this button:\n[maxbutton id="3" url=""]\n \n\n* Not suitable for those under 15 years of age\n** Concession tickets are only available to students and OAPs with valid ID and those under 14 years old\n\nWithout a time machine\, built out of a Delorean\, it's taken a long 30 years to get here but 21\nOctober 2015 is almost upon us.\n\nOk so there aren't any flying cars\, Nike Power Laces or hover boards but what we've got planned will get your flux-capacitors into overdrive.\n\nWe'll be bringing a small piece of Hill Valley to Bedford as we host a whole evening of Back to The Future themed events for the all ages*. We'll have music\, 50s fun\, comedy and of course a special immersive screening of Back to the Future\, back on the big screen in Bedford for the first time in years.\n\n\n\nEnter through the doors of what used to be the Quarry Theatre at St. Lukes and be transported back to the 1950s with rockabilly music\, milkshakes and updos. Watch out for Strickland as he won't let tardiness go unpunished and stay away from Biff who's still on the hunt for Calvin Klein who has 'stolen' his date to the Enchantment Under The Sea dance.\n\nIf you're over 15 then you can join us for an excellent comedy show\, Paul Kerensa's\, Back to the Futon Pt 2. Starting at 19:00 in the studio. Which will set you up perfectly for the rest of the\nevening\, which will be full of fun and surprises.\n\n\nWe can't tell you much more than that.\nJust like Doc Brown's weather experiment\,\nit's a secret.\n\n*Paul Kerensa's\, Back to the Futon Pt 2 only suitable for those aged 15+ URL: LOCATION:26 St. Peter's Street\, Bedford\, Bedfordshire\, MK40 2PN\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Collaboration Events,Feature Films,Full Programme ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: ORGANIZER;CN="Bedford%20Film%20Festival" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151031T190000Z DTEND:20151031T220000Z DTSTAMP:20151005T223925Z CREATED:20150916T121028Z LAST-MODIFIED:20150916T123014Z SUMMARY:Scream - Cults for Cats DESCRIPTION:Cults for Cats\, in associating with Bedford Film Festival and the Pad Nightclub\, presents a special Halloween screening of...\nSCREAM\nIf you've not seen Wes Craven's classic (yes\, we think Scream is a classic) then\, seriously - where have you been? If you have then you'll either love it or hate it. If you hate it\, you're wrong. Scream reinvigorated the horror genre\, subtly poking fun at the horror franchise films of the 80s that were widely loved and adored by horror fans everywhere and inspiring a new wave of horror writers and directors who then went on to create many of the horror films loved across the world today.\n\nAlmost every horror film today owes its style and direction to Scream\, and we couldn't be happier to bring it to Bedford with Cults for Cats on Halloween... now\, why is my phone ringing?\n\n\n\n \n\nOne year after the death of Sidney Prescott's (Campbell) mother\, two students turn up gutted. When a serial killer appears\, Sidney begins to suspect whether her mother's death and the two new deaths are related. No one is safe\, as the killer begins to pick everyone off one by one. Everyone's a suspect in this case.\nDirector: Wes Craven\nCast: Neve Campbell\, Courteney Cox\, David Arquette\nGenre: Horror Country: US Language: English Year: 1996\nDuration: 111 mins Rating: 18 iMDb Score: 7.2/10\n URL: LOCATION:2 Lurke Street\, Bedford\, Bedfordshire\, MK40 3HY\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Collaboration Events,Cults for Cats,Full Programme ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="Bedford%20Film%20Festival" END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR